Pelvic Support During Labor

On-Call, intuitive manual and somatic touch to support labor.

What’s included:

  • On-Call for 3 weeks around anticipated due date

  • 2 hours of my unique style of hands-on-care which includes:

    • Body “listening” —I can feel what your baby and your body need support in for progression of labor

    • Manual therapy skills including fascial massage, pelvic bone manipulation, scar tissue massage, visceral manipulation (moving the organs), indirect and direct release of the pelvic tissues.

    • Alternative complimentary skills including Reiki, breath coaching, obstetric labor coaching and positioning, positioning of Baby studied under Spinning Babies® and Gillian’s Guide, sound and aroma therapies, somatic therapies.

Investment: $1500

Not on-call Support. Meaning, you can call me at the time of labor to check my availability to come for an hour of support.

What’s included:

  • Same as above, but timing starts with 1 hour and can be extended to 2 hours given availability.

Investment: $750 per hour

Birth Doula

What is a birth doula?

As a doula, I support people in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I provide emotional support, physical comfort and, as needed, communication with the staff to make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. As your doula, I provide information, resources, and coaching to assist you in your birthing experience.

What is a Physical Therapist?

As a Doctor of Physical Therapist, I support people in the preparation, performance, and recovery of labor and birth. I use my knowledge of the body and movement to assist the birthing person with pain, stalled labor, and pushing. Whether birthing vaginally or via cesarean delivery, I provide support for the laboring person with advanced manual skills and other therapeutic interventions.

Before Labor

I prefer to meet with you and your partner once before labor to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns. Together we will design your Birth Preferences regarding pain management and the use of medical interventions. I also want to know your best ways of coping with pain and fatigue and how you and your partner foresee working together.

I will also inform you of times when I am unavailable for labor support. To cover those times, I work with other doulas to ensure that there will always be a back up available. Your signature of this agreement expresses consent for me to share your birth plan and intake form with your back up doula.

When you are in labor

I prefer that you call me when you think you are in labor, even if you do not yet need me. I can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. I usually need approximately one hour to get to you from the time you ask me to come. I will join you in labor once you are in active labor, ie. your contractions are consistently about 6 minutes apart. We will also decide where to meet – at your home, the hospital or the birth center. Except for extraordinary circumstances, I or my back-up will remain with you throughout labor and birth.

Since I provide Physio-Doula Support, the time I am with you is physically demanding for me. I will need to keep up with my selfcare in order to provide on-going support for you. I do the same amount of physical labor, critical thinking, and relational care-taking as I do in my 1:1 physical therapy sessions. This explains the cost of my services. In order to maintain this level of care, I will keep up my self care which includes, taking snack breaks, drinking water regularly, stretching and occasionally a small nap if labor is long. I will encourage open dialogue for all of us to check in honestly with our needs and support/guide care of not just the birthing person, but also the birthing support person and myself.

After birth

I will usually remain with you until you are comfortable and your family is ready for quiet time together. I will also help with initiation of breastfeeding, if necessary.

I am available for phone contact to answer questions about the birth or your baby and would like to get together with you within one to two weeks to see how you are doing, to review the birth, to admire your baby, and to get feedback from you about my role. This final visit is about 60-90 minutes. You have the option of a pelvic screen or the opportunity to ask any pelvic related questions at this time.

As a Doula: I am qualified to provide comfort measures including emotional and informational support to both the birthing person and partner. Suggestions for comfort may include:

• Application of heat/cold packs

• Breathing

• Relaxation

• Movement and positioning

• Beverages

• Warm baths/showers

• Reiki

• Other comforting measures

• Extensive referral list

Benefits of hiring a doula during birth include a reported* reduced rate in cesarean section, synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) to augment labor, and need for pain medication.

* Childbirth Connection. “Best Evidence: Labor Support.” 2011. Retrieved on 3/17/2012 from 257&area=27

As a doula, I DO NOT:

• Perform clinical tasks, such as fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, and others. I am there only to provide physical comfort, emotional support and advocacy.

• Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision.

• Speak to staff instead of you regarding matters where decisions are being made. I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical staff.

As a Licensed Physical Therapist: I am qualified to treat you with the following interventions:

• Deep/Soft tissue massage

• Gentle spine, pelvic and hip joint mobilizations

• Myofascial release

• Breath work

• Stretching

• Edema massage for swelling

• Chromo/music/aroma therapies

• Positional Coaching

• Somatic exercises

Benefits of hiring a physical therapist during birth include expertise in positioning during labor and birth, knowledge of maternal vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.), advanced manual skills, proper muscle activation during pushing, including muscles of the pelvic floor, and gluteal muscles.

Failure of a doula to provide service

I will make every effort to provide the services described here. Sometimes this is impossible (for example, with a rapid labor). If my failure to attend your birth (by me or a back up) is due to my error, there will be no charge for my services and I will refund the retaining fee. If it is due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, including cesarean birth, rapid labor, or your failure to call me, fees will be retained.

Investment: $5200

Half of my fee ($2600) for the services are due at the first prenatal visit upon signing of this agreement. The second half ($2600) are due within 1 week following birth.

***If you have not planned for on-call services but would like to see if I am available for you currently in labor, please reach out to my assistant Mary to inquire availability. 424.253.8509

Photo Above: Dr. Grace hands on Birthing Mama’s heart and belly while she rests in birthing tub with her husband holding her hand. Courtesy of Birth Photographer in Los Angeles Dear Birth Photography